6 November 2010

Remember remember the 5th of November


Today was really cloudy and windy day

But anyway I decide to spend my day more ambitiously than usually n __ n
First I made some photos about my daily outfit

Sorry that picture is so blurry, but my hands were shaking all day and this is the best shot which I got.
Some details:

I went to market hall and bought a shirt for my brother,

ordinary hair bands (to make from them unordinary ones, with bows or something like that ^^) and light gray tights - coz I really needed ones.
Then I went to the Second-Hand near this market hall. I really like this SH. The truth is, that most of my skirts comes from here. This time I found one of the cutest shirts in the world! Look!

Is very similar to other shirt wich I bought earlier in the same SH.

Funny thing that both of them are blue, coz I don't like blue color! :D But they are so beautiful that I look at them with love♥

As we are talking about blue -> I heard some day that only in Poland blue color has 3 diffrent names!
blue - niebieski
light blue - błękitny
dark blue - granatowy

Nice n . n
Finally I'd like to present you my kitten - Kajtek~♥

I love him so so much and he loves me too :3 He listen only me, sleeps only with me, watching with me films. Like a puppy or boyfriend~♥

And now - byeee~


  1. awh cute photos i like ur outfit ^^ awh i love cats :3 i really want a fat cat to share :p
    u have the prettiest eyes ever too :3

  2. You're so pretty!♥♥ Aww, cute little Kajtek~~ (●´3`●)♥
