4 November 2010

Needing support...

Hey everyone!

I'm Oami, and this is me:

 Sometimes lazy~

~and sometimes full of energy!
(oh, ok~ maybe not in this photo :p)

New blog, new experience, yeey~ happiness *(n __ n)*

Yeah, I really like blogging. But don't get me wrong. In my version it's more like reading others blogs, taking inspirations and finally setting new own blogs (further, unnecessary :p). Then sometimes I was posted some notes, but not always and end of ends I delete these blogs, coz they are totally unused by me. Freaky ^-^''

I'm an idler, I know (v  _  v)

It's not nice, but it's inconsistency wich I'm fighting all my life in all levels of life. In school, in home, in some relationships or friendships. It's bothers me and makes me sad, so now I'd like to do something with it.

I decided to try once again and tried to become a good blogger with cute and current blog all the time. It will be much easier if you visit my blog and support me in my plan from time to time. What do you guys think?

And actually what do you think about all this plan? Can it help me or maybe I need to try something else?

I have to study biology now, but don't forget to leave some comment :3
See U soon!


  1. awh your so pretty ^^ i love your blog layout and cute intro :)

  2. Hey there, I just had to check out your blog now! =D
    Good luck with it, I got the feeling that you can catch the attention of lot´s of people soon! =D

    Btw... you´ve got super pretty eyes! Are they green? They´re looking so amazing green on your second photo! =D

  3. i would lvoe to see the designed clothes ^^ i toook textiles at school and taught myself too. Maybe u can start making something simple :)?

  4. I love your blog...it's very pretty!mt name's martina and I come from Italy...I would like to visit my blog and if you like it...follow me!I wait you and your tips!kiss kiss

    tehere is SOCUTE's giveaway...why don't you partecipate?^^ http://glamourmarmalade.blogspot.com/2010/11/first-giveaway-socute.html
