12 November 2010

Canon of beauty.

Hey Honeys!

I love this shirt! Mint color with kawaii owl ❤~!
I bought it in class trip in Czech Republic (was cheaper than in Poland :p).

I saw today a program in TLC (old 'Travel and Living') about people who think that european beauty is a canon of beauty, so they operationalized their faces to look more like europeans. They ashamed of the appearance of the characteristic features of other continents. Think that looking more 'Euro' will be easier for them in life. One Muslim woman was a rich model, so she'd like to operate her nose coz she think that it looks poor (O___o)'.
It a little suprised me. Never thought before that other people love so much european beauty. Personally I prefer some japan beauty - oblique eyes, short stature, small body build. And these cute, little, flat noses!!! It's really beaut 4 me ❤
I like it, but I don't think about any operation. Hahahahaa~
What do You think about beauty wich You have?
Are you happy or would you like to change something?

Btw, I orderer today this eyelashes:

It's first time when I buys lashes, so I don't know nothing about them.
Are they disposable or reusable?
I will be really grateful by answer ^^'

Lately I promised you photo of my cute princess shirt, so here it is~
So what do you think? ^^

I need to study, so see U later~♪


  1. Hi Oami!(´(エ)`)ノ How are you today?(^O^)
    I love your cute princess short! It's sooooo cute♪♪♥

    Oh and eyelashes are reusable so that
    means you can use them for several times!(^_~)-☆

  2. Thank you for commenting my blog post! (^O^)
    Woah, I don't know people in Poland celebrate 11/11!!

    And you're most welcome! (^_~)-☆
    Actually I don't really wear falsies
    although I own them like, 2 pairs! Hehe! =3

  3. I loveee your style ^-^"!
    Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure but I think our style could be based on what we look like? Because I'm quite small and short - I tend to focus on the more "cutesy" looks because if I try those feminine/sexy looks ..I'd just look like a little girl in dress up @-@?! Maybeee haha

    I love the lashes too *-* I really need to buy new ones :D

  4. You look really cute!^^ like dolly~:)
