4 June 2011

"Night leads me astray"

I was thought that I will never come back to this blog! Fortunately, my best friend recently started her fashion blog and inspired me to continue mine (^U^) Thx a lot, Little! ♥♥♥
OMG, really long time no see and now I have no idea about what started!
We was at inline skates today first time in this year, so Roller Season has Opened~

Also I had a little accident: close meeting with ground :p

Still tweaks & I will have for a while problem with sleeping on left side, but what will not kill us makes us stronger :DD Isn't it?

Now it's really late hour but I promise my older brother that I will draw 2 works for his studies instead him, so I'm drawing~ But like always Internet is more interesting than any responsibilities. Life~~~
Still life is finished but in draw of figure I have only legs~ Inteeeerneee~eee~eee~eee~et (-www-);;;

Younger Brother is actually my musical love ♥♥♥

See ya, pretties!!! *^^*


  1. omg unikorn pierwsza klasa ;ccc ciekawa jestem jak wyszla Pamela, tez za ladnie? :DDD

  2. Ahhh your outfit looks absolutely gorgeousss! Haven't seen you in ages ;A; And omgahh the graze looks bad >.< HOPE IT HEALS UP SOON xo
