1 February 2011

Have no time! / Organization

My winter holidays was finished so I had to return to school.
Situation is terrible coz now I absolutely have no free time for anything!
*have no time to read all wonderful blogs wich I'm a follower
*have no time to comment all amazing posts wich I'd like to comment
*have no time to write new post in my own blog
*have no time for facebook/twitter
*have no time for searching in lookbook/tumblr
*have no time to any anime/manga/film/serie/book/party

Also~ I have a big problem with organization duties o(v n v)o
Recently I'm trying to fight with this so inter alia it is my new "important and urgent" table (on the door of cabinet with books):
W - important, NW - not important, P - urgent, NP - not urgent
Like U see I have here a lot of note yet (and it's only 2 days after winter holidays!).

By the way this system isn't perfect coz I'm still lose my time for trifling and I can't concentrate in the most important things! Do U have any idea what I could do with it? ; . ;


If I write... Yaaay~ there is a giveaway in this amazing blog! You could win adorable sunglasses (from Hugo Boss or Armani!). There will be 2 winners so chances are 2 times higher! Necessarily visit this blog or just visit this web and vote for Ruby - her style is amazing, You will love it!!


Does somebody know how to get rid of this frames around pictures? They are annoying me a lot :x


  1. Aww school always takes so much time T-T"!
    But dont worry <3 whenever you have a free break, come back and blog !! (:

    Your system looks cute! hehe. Altho I would probably end up spending more time making it pretty than using it x)

  2. you have a minimum vacation. I have no day T_T
    but so cute your organization system x3

  3. school takes to much time! I know the feeling :)

    thanks for posting our giveaway :D

  4. Ich habe dir einen Blog-Award verliehen.

  5. To help keep on track, you can buy a cute planner and write in it. If it's super cute or pretty, then you'll like carrying it aorund. Write when things are due and when your appointments are with the time. That way you'll always have your whole schedule with you! You can buy a plain one and glue ribbons and lace onto it or buy one with cute cartoon characters on it! Hope this helps! :3

  6. I think I know how to remove the border around the pictures! Just follow these steps! o(^w^)o

    1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML
    2. Search for this code in your template HTML:

    .post img {

    3. Add a new code below the code that I've mentioned in step #2.


    4. I think your new code would be something like this:

    .post img {

    5. Save it and you're done! Walaaaa!! XDXD

  7. Oami, time is limited and the goals we set are huge. The world is such!
    But you are a smart gal, managing so much things @ once :)


  8. your blog is so cute! And the sketches in your previous post are great! Love them ^^


  9. Post its are my best friends. :) Great idea that table!

  10. aw. post-it-aholic. Lol. you can do it dear :) thanks for the tip.
    by the way, you really have a nice blog.
    definitely going to follow you. :)
